Current Issues in Neurodevelopment (Brain Center Utrecht)


This PhD course is organized by Brain Center, UMC Utrecht and focusses on current issues in Neurodevelopment. The 2022 edition of the course focusses on: Understanding the Inner Workings of the Human Brain as the Last Frontier


The aim of this course is to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of neural development


Pre-selection of topics:

• Introduction to Neurodevelopment
• Neurogenesis
• Neuronal Migration
• Evolution of cellular mechanisms in the human brain
• Directing the fate and age of human derived stem cells to study different phases of the human brain
• Introduction on brain circuits
• Molecular aspects of circuit formation
• Early patterns of electrical activity in the brain
• Clay brain models of various species
• What makes the human brain unique
• Translational Neuroscience – how to study brain diseases of newborns
• Neuroinflamation in health and disease
• Matternal inflammation, brain development, risk factors for psychiatric disorders
• Early life stress and long-term consequences
• Social play in chronic ill children
• Critical windows of brain development
• Molecular Mechanism of Neurodegeneration and how to treat neurodegenerative diseases
• Link between neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration
• Alzheimer’s Disease in a dish
• ALS (mouse versus human)
• Glial Cells in Degeneration


The course will be held at the Translational Neuroscience Department - Brain Division at the UMCU with some virtual lectures from keynote speakers that won't be able come to Utrecht in November. We are aiming at a very nice, active program of keynote lectures, interactive education, Q&As, e-learning and a final quiz with real prizes.


The course is open to all ONWAR & CEN PhD students.


PhD program Clinical & Experimental Neuroscience (CEN) of the Graduate School of Life Sciences, Utrecht: Freek Hoebeek, Cora Nijboer, Carla G. Silva, Eline de Groot, Oxana Garritsen


42 hrs / 1.5 ECTs


17 Sept - 20 Sept 2024


Translational Neuroscience Department - Brain Division at the UMC Utrecht


To register please send an e-mail to the CEN-secretariat at .

When you are part of ONWAR, mention this in your e-mail.

Disclaimer: If you register for the course, but do not attend, CEN will inform your principal investigator and charge you for € 200.


Click here to download the program of the course


Click here to download the flyer of the course

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